
SKU: SKU-203 Category:

Earl Grey Green Tea – loose leaf – online sale

High quality tea leaves blended with sweet Bergamot orange oil. Earl Grey tea is one of the oldest and most popular blends of tea. The original recipe was created in 1800’s and named after the 2nd Earl Grey who was Prime Minister of England at that time. The exceptional Bergamot flavour, unlike any other citrus fruit, combines with the richness of fine tea for a refreshing taste that remains popular today. We have improved the original recipe by using an exceptional Chinese green tea for a refined and subtle flavour. Use approx 1 teaspoon (2g) per cup and adjust quantity to suit personal taste.

Available in Small pack (50g = 25 cups); Gift tube (100g = 50 cups); Bulk pack (300g = 150 cups)

Package weight

50g, 100g (Gift Tube), 300g