Renes Organic CaissE tea Blend – loose leaf herbal tisane – online sale
This therapeutic tisane has a number of reported uses and folk remedies that include treatment for inflammation, cancer treatment, diarrhea, scurvy and fever. A tea made from the stem and leaves can be made to act as a diuretic. It also has certain astringent properties and uses. The four main ingredients are commonly: Burdock root, Slippery elm, Sorrel and Indian Rhubarb.
It is self-drinking, meaning no additives (such as milk or sugar) are recommended. Ideally, you would infuse one heaped teaspoon of Organic CaissE Tea for 15-20mins in an individual teapot in 250mls (1cup) of pure hot water (80%), that has been freshly boiled (not tap water) and let tea cool in the fridge. To maintain good health, drink 1/4 cup servings throughout the day. For maximum health benefit, discard any unused portion at the end of the day, making a fresh brew for each day. If you are working on improving your health, a higher dosage may be taken, however we recommend you consult your Natural Health Practitioner for your own requirements.
So the next time you want a cuppa, why not enjoy one that actually assists you with your health and improves your wellbeing.
NB These statements have not been evaluated by the Therapeutic Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. It is intended that these statements be for your information and to consult your medical practitioner if you are breastfeeding or pregnant. Do not drink the same herbal infusion continuously; use it for ten days in a row and then skip five days. Herbal remedies can be highly powerful. Discontinue use immediately if you experience any negative side effects.