Organic Ginseng Panax – loose leaf tisane – online sale
Ginseng is known to enhance stamina and endurance,by stimulating muscles to burn fat for energy during exercise, whilst conserving glycogen stores. By so doing it helps maintain peak effort and may be useful as part of a weight loss program. It also provides powerful support to recovery by promoting the healing of micro trauma to muscles, tendons and ligaments following strenuous exercise. Quickly relieving the symptoms of inflammation, pain, swelling, bleeding and bruising associated with soft tissue injury including delayed onset muscle soreness (DOMS) and sprains and strains. Ginseng also promotes a healthy heart. Use approx 1 teaspoon (2g) per cup and adjust to personal taste.
Available in Small pack (25g = 12 cups); Gift Tube (50g = 25 cups); Bulk pack (150g = 75 cups)